Lizbeth Garcia Perez was born on July 16, 1987 in the city of Puebla, Pue under the sign of Cancer, Mexican painter. She was educated in the city of Puebla, take painting workshops in the recognized Barrio del artista. Courses museology, curatorship, museology, street art, her interest in art started in childhood with drawing and painting, I knew that art would be his profession and passion the rest of his life. Museums have been her greatest passion and admiration. She started drawing at age 5, she made her first painting at age twelve, she continued to learn from books, videos, workshops; Her parents and sisters are a great inspiration to her; Among his favorite artists are: El Greco, Caravaggio, Arcimboldo, Rubens. In 2010 she began to paint in pastels and exhibit their works having great reviews curators.
*2015 Group exhibition (Junio en el corazon de San Angel)